Tuned Jews harps

Why does tuning matter?

If you are planning to play solo then it probably doesn't but anyone planning to play along-side other musicians will need to be in tune.

Even if you are playing solo as soon as you look to play tunes you will discover some keys (notes) work better than others.

Jews harps follow (basically) the harmonic series so you will need to use a glottal technique to access a playable scale to play tunes. The scale you access is directly related to the note of harp you are using. For example many folk / dance tunes work well from a G fundamental.

Higher keys like F / G / A work well but you will also need to consider octave! A piano plays a range from A0 - C8 with seven main octaves. The first octave is pretty low and on a jaw harp will be a low and slow instrument more suited to drone based playing. The second and third octaves are the main range used by most tunes harps that will be useful for 'tune' playing with the higher registers useful for fast playing and special effects.

Check our range of tuned harps here:
